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How Are Rebase Tokens Like Ampleforth Taxed?

Rebase Tokens

Table of Contents

  1. What Are Rebase Tokens and How Do They Work?

  2. Are Rebase Tokens Considered Securities by the SEC?

  3. Cost Basis and Tracking Gains/Losses on Rebase Tokens

  4. Income Realization Events and Air Drops

  5. Rebase Tokens and DeFi Protocols

  6. Frequently Asked Questions

Rebase tokens are a unique class of cryptocurrencies that employ an elastic supply and algorithmic rebasing to aim to hold a stable value. Top examples include Ampleforth (AMPL) and Elastic Finance’s EBASE token. But how do these tokens fit into the existing tax rules and regulations around crypto assets?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how rebase tokens like Ampleforth are classified and taxed from a US perspective, including key topics like:

  • Cost basis tracking and realization of gains/losses
  • Income realization events from token rebasing
  • Treatment under securities regulations
  • Utilization in DeFi protocols
  • Answers to frequently asked tax questions

Understanding the nuances of how these tokens are treated can help crypto investors stay compliant and optimize their tax planning strategy.

1. What Are Rebase Tokens and How Do They Work?

Rebase tokens are cryptocurrencies that automatically adjust their supply levels in response to changes in demand. This “rebasing” aims to keep the token’s price stable around a target.

For example, Ampleforth expands the token supply when demand is high and price is above $1. When demand falls, the supply contracts to match. This elastic nature gives Ampleforth utility as an alternative stablecoin.

Other key properties of rebase tokens:

  • Algorithmic: Supply changes are controlled automatically by a smart contract and algorithm rather than a central party.
  • Elastic Supply: The circulating supply periodically expands or contracts.
  • Price Target: They rebase around a target price, such as $1 per token.

This rebasing mechanism is illustrated below:


Copy code

If Token Price > $1 => Expand Token Supply If Token Price < $1 => Contract Token Supply

By dynamically adjusting supply to match demand, rebase tokens can maintain a stable value even with volatility in the broader crypto markets.

Prominent examples beyond Ampleforth include:

  • EBASE: Elastic stablecoin issued by Elastic Finance
  • DEBASE: Algorithmic reserve currency protocol
  • YAM: Governance focused rebase token

Next, let’s look at whether rebase tokens may qualify as securities.

2. Are Rebase Tokens Considered Securities by the SEC?

The Securities and Exchange Commission applies…

3. Cost Basis and Tracking Gains/Losses on Rebase Tokens

When transacting in crypto assets like rebase tokens, properly tracking cost basis is essential for staying tax compliant and minimizing liability. But what exactly does cost basis mean?

What is Cost Basis?

Your cost basis represents the amount paid to acquire an asset, plus any costs associated with the purchase – such as trading fees. The cost basis forms the starting point to measure any capital gains or losses upon sale or disposal of the asset.

Cost Basis = Purchase Price + Fees

When you dispose of crypto assets like AMPL or EBASE by spending, trading, or selling, you trigger a taxable event. The difference between the sale price and your cost basis determines whether you have a capital gain or capital loss:

  • Capital Gain: Sale Price > Cost Basis
  • Capital Loss: Sale Price < Cost Basis

However, tracking cost basis on elastic rebase tokens introduces some unique challenges…

Challenges With Tracking Rebase Token Cost Basis

Due to the dynamic nature of their supply, tracking cost basis on Ampleforth and other rebase tokens can be uniquely tricky:

  • Supply Changes: As token supply expands and contracts with rebasing, you may hold more or fewer tokens.
  • Value Changes: Even if your token balance doesn’t change, value can fluctuate with price.
  • No Wash Sale Protection: Typical loss claim protections like wash sale rules don’t apply to crypto.

This makes accurately tracking your allowable gains/losses across chain activity complex.

Thankfully, solutions are emerging to help…

Here’s an overview of income realization tax events that can occur with rebase tokens.

4. Income Realization Events and Air Drops

In some cases, rebase token transactions may trigger income realization rather than capital gains. What does this mean?

Rebase Token Income Realization Events

Any rebasing activity that results in you acquiring additional crypto could be treated as taxable income, similar to ordinary income or dividends. Reportable scenarios include:

  • Supply Expansions: If you hold Ampleforth and the supply expands 20%, granting you 20% more tokens, this new additional value may count as income.
  • Air Drops: Token grants from developers could be seen as income drops rather than capital assets.

The exact tax implications can vary case-by-case. But in general, anytime token rebasing results in you gaining more coins for free without a corresponding purchase, you may have an income tax event.

Valuation Considerations on Income Realization

Determining the fair USD value of any tokens received is important for properly reporting income amounts. You need to track value at the time of expansion or airdrop.

Be sure to account for the value of new token grants rather than just the raw token amounts. If you receive an additional 500 AMPL tokens from a supply expansion event, for example, make note of AMPL’s USD price at that time to quantify your income gain.

Next, we’ll explore tax nuances when utilizing rebase tokens in DeFi protocols.

5. Rebase Tokens and DeFi Protocols

Decentralized finance protocols built on blockchain offer innovative ways to earn yields on crypto assets without relying on centralized intermediaries. Activities like lending and liquidity mining let users put their digital assets like stablecoins and rebase tokens to productive use while generating returns.

But how exactly should yield earned on rebase tokens like Ampleforth be classified and taxed?

Tax Rules for Rebase Tokens in DeFi

All income generated from rebase tokens in DeFi protocols should be reported, similar to traditional staking returns. Common tax implications include:

  • Ordinary Income: Interest yields are typically taxed as ordinary income similar to dividends. Rates can be as high as 37% federally.
  • Income Timing: Tax liability is triggered upon yield receipt rather than when gains are realized. This can accelerate tax timelines.

Additionally, utilizing Ampleforth as collateral for loans, leverage, or synthetic asset positions may impact tax obligations surrounding those specific activities.

Tracking Yield on Elastic Tokens

As supply adjusts across on-chain activities, tracking yield on a token like EBASE or AMPL creates complications. How do you accurately quantify dividends earned if your token balance ebbs and flows with rebasing?

Thankfully, leading tax software and reporting solutions are emerging to help DeFi users manage rebase token taxes. Integrations with protocols can track supply adjustments, income drops, cost basis, and more – keeping your reporting compliant amidst complexity.

Now let’s answer some frequently asked questions surrounding the tax implications unique to these tokens.

6. Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does rebasing or an expanding token supply trigger a tax bill?

Not necessarily. Supply expansions that increase your token balance likely create income realization events. But this income may be at a near-zero valuation if there is minimal value dilution occurring with the expansion.

2. Is tax tracking software required, or can gains/losses be calculated manually?

In theory, you could manually track rebase token taxes. But in reality, the frequent supply shifts make tracking basis incredibly complex over time. Software automates this and is nearly essential for accurate reporting.

3. How should air drops of rebase tokens be classified for tax purposes?

Air-dropped rebase tokens likely constitute taxable income valued at the fair market value of the tokens at the time of receipt. Some debate exists around classifying air drops as capital assets, however. Treatment can vary based on specific facts and circumstances.

4. Do rebase tokens like Ampleforth qualify as like-kind property for tax purposes?

No. Only exchanges between real estate and other similar property types qualify for like-kind exchange (1031 exchange) tax benefits. Cryptocurrencies do not fall under this umbrella.

5. Can rebase token losses be claimed against income from other  holdings like Bitcoin?

Yes. Realized losses from the sale or trade of rebase tokens can offset capital gains from other digital currencies, allowing you to minimize your net  tax obligation.

For additional questions surrounding rebase token taxes, consult a qualified crypto-savvy tax professional.


Rebase tokens like Ampleforth represent an emerging crypto class presenting investors with unique tax implications. Their novel tokenomics introduce complexity around tracking cost basis, capturing income from supply changes, managing DeFi yield, and more.

But as crypto tax policy continues to evolve along with blockchain innovation, more regulatory clarity around elastic tokens will emerge. And tax automation solutions are already here to help users accurately track report rebase token activity.

By proactively understanding tax rules, considering income realization mechanics, and leveraging software, crypto holders can confidently approach elastic token investing while remaining compliant.

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