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Local Experts in Crypto Taxation: How to Find a Cryptocurrency Tax Accountant Near You 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Local Experts in Crypto Taxation: How to Find a Cryptocurrency Tax Accountant Near You

  2. What’s the Process Like Working With a Crypto Tax Professional?

Wondering how to find a cryptocurrency tax accountant in your area? This guide covers tips for finding local crypto taxation experts to handle your bitcoin taxes.

1. Local Experts in Crypto Taxation: How to Find a Cryptocurrency Tax Accountant Near You

Have you found yourself perplexed when trying to make heads or tails of the complex tax implications of your cryptocurrency investments? You’re not alone. Many crypto investors struggle with properly reporting their digital currency transactions to stay compliant and maximize tax savings. The good news is there are qualified local professionals who specialize in crypto taxes that can guide you.

Why Do I Need a Crypto Tax Expert?

I totally get the frustration around crypto tax reporting. Believe me, I’ve been there! When I started investing in Bitcoin and Ethereum a few years ago, I figured I could handle preparing my own taxes. Boy was I wrong! The rules seemed so convoluted with stuff about tax lots, forks, staking rewards, NFTs and more. I quickly realized I was in over my head and needed to find a cryptocurrency tax professional, stat!

Here’s why it pays to have a specialist handle your crypto taxes:

Navigating Complex Reporting Rules

Let’s face it—cryptocurrency tax guidance in the U.S. is still catching up to this rapidly evolving industry. While the IRS provides general guidance about topics like capital gains and losses, many specifics around reporting for things like crypto mining, staking, governance tokens, DeFi protocols and NFTs remains murky. An expert stays up-to-date on the latest guidance to ensure full compliance.

Avoiding Penalties and Audits

Given the current information reporting rules and enforcement around crypto, inaccuracies or omissions on your tax return increase the chance of hearing from the IRS. Getting your taxes done right by a crypto-savvy CPA reduces audit risk and costly penalties down the road.

Maximizing Tax Breaks

A knowledgeable crypto tax preparer can help uncover tax deductions you may miss out on otherwise. For example, they can determine the optimal cost basis method for your transactions to net the lowest capital gains. Leaving potential tax savings on the table never feels good.

While DIY crypto tax software has its place, working with a credentialed local expert tailors guidance around your unique crypto activities. They also provide informed advice if any issues emerge. For comprehensive, compliant reporting and optimal outcomes, you need a crypto-competent tax pro in your corner.

How Do I Find a Good Crypto CPA Near Me?

Finding and vetting specialized crypto tax help in your local area may seem daunting. But have no fear! Here are my top strategies for locating nearby crypto taxation assistance:

Search Online Accountant Directories

An easy place to start your search is checking online accountant directories that allow you to screen based on specialization. For example, the National Directory of Registered Tax Return Preparers lets you search for credentials like “Virtual Currency”.

I filtered for crypto savvy pros in my metro and got some great prospects. While credentials don’t guarantee proficiency, they signal an advisor continually hones their craft.

Vet Accounting Firm Websites

Once you identify some firms and advisors that pique your interest, dive deeper by checking out their websites. More accounting practices now actively promote expertise in cryptocurrency taxes, even detailing their experience with Bitcoin, NFTs and DeFi platforms.

I prioritized firms with team members holding the Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator designation. This demonstrated deep crypto fluency that eased my worries.

Ask Crypto Friends for Referrals

Don’t underestimate good old fashioned word-of-mouth when seeking a crypto tax resource! Ask crypto-investing friends in your networks for advisor referrals.

You can also post in local crypto hobbyist groups on Facebook, Reddit or MeetUp. For example:

“Seeking crypto-savvy CPA familiar with DeFi and NFT taxes. Please share any positive experiences!”

The referral route gave me greater confidence since someone else vouched for their abilities.

Leveraging all these channels provided me several qualified prospects with verifiable crypto tax preparation expertise. Next came vetting to find the ideal advisor for my needs…

What Should I Ask When Vetting Crypto Tax Preparers?

I’ll be honest—interviewing tax pros felt intimidating at first. I wasn’t sure what specifics to probe about crypto. Having an agenda kept things moving smoothly. Here are key questions I made sure to ask any prospective tax advisor:

Do you have experience filing past years’ cryptocurrency taxes?

Finding help for filing amended returns for past tax years caused some head-scratching. I specifically sought out comfort with addressing multi-year filing obligations unique to virtual currencies.

An advisor well-versed in crypto reporting nuances across tax years gave me confidence!

What methods do you use to calculate gains and losses on trades?

With debatable merits to different costing methods for trades, I wanted clarity on their process. Whether FIFO, LIFO, highest cost or another approach, the rationale behind their methodology mattered.

How do you handle reporting details for forks, staking operations, and DeFi platforms?

My activity spanned coin forks, staking my ETH, yield farming, and liquidity pools. I needed specificity versus vague notions of “working with clients on emerging issues.”

An advisor fluent in my actual crypto activities was crucial. Someone speaking competently about complications unique to my footprint signaled technical prowess.

What support do you provide in case of an IRS audit related to my cryptocurrency activity?

Even with the best efforts, I knew IRS inquiries remained possibilities given crypto enforcement activity. My ideal partner offered solid audit support. I gained peace of mind from advisors with well-defined audit assistance and representation policies.

How to Know You’ve Found the Right Crypto Tax Professional

After networking, researching, and interviewing, I finally decided on the cryptocurrency tax preparation service I felt most comfortable with. Beyond technical competence, a few factors stick out when identifying the ideal crypto tax partner:

Demonstrated Deep Crypto Reporting Expertise

My chosen tax advisor and their team evidenced deep mastery of crypto reporting intricacies in our discussions. I observed how their skills evolved amid this rapidly changing landscape, staying sharp through continual learning. Nothing beats working with true crypto reporting subject matter experts!

Experience with Diverse Crypto Transaction Types

From forked coins to mining operations to liquidity pools, my crypto activities ran the gamut. A tax preparer well-versed across trademarks of crypto engagement inspired confidence. I gained assurance that someone “spoke my language” and could capably handle my full footprint.

Strong Track Record and Verifiable Referrals

While promises sound nice, I ultimately wanted proof-points. Specific client successes and glowing referrals around crypto taxes cemented I found a trusted resource. Seeing others affirm expertise and attentive service reassured me I made the right choice.

I encourage you to take your time finding the ideal local crypto tax advisor like I did. While not the speediest process, doing your due diligence results in added comfort and better reporting outcomes. Don’t go it alone—having an expert in your corner makes all the difference!


Responsive Communication and availability

I highly valued finding an advisor who made me feel like a priority. Given possible questions and needing year-round support, I wanted a preparer who felt readily available, especially during tax season.

Responsiveness in initial inquiries and consultations signaled overall accessibility when needs arose. No one wants to feel ignored when needing expert guidance!

Competitive and Transparent Pricing

Of course cost played a role in my selection process. I obtained several quotes for comparison. My eventual choice felt aligned to local market rates for specialized crypto tax prep services. Their clear, predictable fee schedule also built trust in our engagement.

I hope walking through my playbook for locating a cryptocurrency-savvy tax accountant proves helpful! Just remember—you don’t have to figure out this crypto taxation stuff alone. Leverage pros ready to provide compliant, optimized support. Consider it your license to chill out while your records get squared away.

Now that you know how to find a qualified local expert, let’s cover what happens next if you make the wise decision to partner with one…

2. What’s the Process Like Working With a Crypto Tax Professional?

Wondering what engaging a cryptocurrency tax preparer actually entails? Rest assured, efficient crypto CPAs make the process as smooth as possible while still being thorough!

Here’s a high-level glimpse at the typical workflow:

Initial Consultation

You’ll first have an introductory call to share background on your crypto activity, discuss goals, and identify any specialized concerns around tradings, DeFi protocols, NFTs or other transactions.

This information gathering helps tailor the engagement to your footprint. You’ll also cover pricing and logistics for records collection.

Records Collection

Next you’ll compile transaction histories from your exchanges, wallets, liquidity pools, yield farms—every source related to your crypto engagements—for submission. Advisors provide guidance to identify relevant data points needed for tax calculations.

Pro tip: Don’t wait until March! Gathering full-year transaction records ASAP streamlines analysis.

Tax Preparation

This when the number crunching magic happens! Your assigned crypto tax expert will import your transaction data and apply compliant calculation methodologies to determine your gains, losses, income and obligations across coins.

Analysis extends to niche areas like forked assets, crypto donations, business expenditures in crypto, even crypto payroll reporting. Their expertise handles the complexity so you don’t have to!

Tax Return Filing

Finally, your preparer will integrate cryptocurrency tax determinations from their analysis into your individual or business tax return(s). This streamlines filing your federal and any necessary state tax documents.

You get to outsource the head-scratching parts to experts and just provide a signature to complete your filing!

When tax season wraps up, you can relax knowing your cryptocurrency tax reporting was addressed thoroughly, optimizing compliance and tax savings!

I hope this guide provides a helpful start to finding a cryptocurrency tax advisor to make regulatory requirements feel less dreary. Leveraging knowledgeable crypto CPAs creates assurance while uncovering deduction opportunities. Don’t tackle these complex reporting rules solo—partner with a specialist! Here’s to compliance success and more time enjoying the thrilling world of crypto investing!

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