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Mastering the Art of Crypto Asset Impairment as per US GAAP 2023

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Crypto Asset The Intricacies of Crypto Asset Impairment as per US GAAP

Crypto enterprises and financial institutions are required by the US GAAP to implement impairment tests on their digital assets. These assets are viewed as intangible with an unlimited lifespan. Still, many finance departments find it challenging to perform these tests and keep detailed records of impairment to meet audit requirements.

Impairment of Digital Assets: The Challenges Faced

The process of impairing digital assets brings with it a multitude of challenges that finance and accounting teams must navigate:

  • Accurately tracking the price volatility of crypto assets.
  • Accurately tracking the timing of the purchase and sale of crypto assets
  • Performing tests on individual assets like BTC, ETH, ALGO, etc.
  • Executing the impairment process and adjusting the cost-basis for accounting.
  • Keeping an audit trail of impairments and implementing the necessary internal controls.

This article offers a comprehensive guide to the impairment process for intangible digital assets and how an Impairment module can help finance teams with this task.

Understanding the Impairment of Intangible Assets

Digital assets fall under the category of intangible assets, similar to patents, copyrights, trademarks, goodwill, and franchises. They are non-physical and typically show minimal price fluctuations.

Impairment is necessary when the fair market value of these assets drops below their carrying value on the balance sheet, ensuring that their value is not overstated.

According to US GAAP, it’s mandatory to conduct impairment testing for intangible assets at least once a year.

However, certain incidents or changes in circumstances, like a sudden disaster, might lead to asset impairment. In such scenarios, it’s necessary to perform testing beyond the annual tests. It’s important to note here that impairment is not the same as price depreciation over time.

Given the significant price volatility in digital assets, organizations operating in the cryptocurrency space might need to conduct impairment testing more frequently. Some are even performing this process daily.

Steps to Execute Asset Impairment

Impairment testing is conducted on an individual asset-by-asset and lot-by-lot basis.
The cost basis of the asset is then compared with its fair market value. If the fair market value is less than the cost, it indicates that the asset is impaired.
The value of the asset is then updated to its impaired value on the balance sheet and recorded as a loss in the income statement.
When an asset is deemed impaired, the book impact for that asset’s entire transaction history must be determined. Also, the organization must account for the impaired cost basis in a separate set of ledgers.

Once an asset is impaired, the reduction in its value is permanent, and it can never regain its initial higher value. Only upon selling or disposing of the asset can a gain or loss be recognized.

Impact of Crypto Asset Impairment on Taxes

Impairment of crypto assets can also have significant tax implications. When an asset’s value is impaired, it translates into a financial loss for the business. This loss, recognized on the income statement, can be used to offset taxable income, thereby potentially reducing the organization’s tax liability. It’s crucial to note that the tax laws pertaining to cryptocurrencies may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the transaction. Consequently, understanding these nuances becomes a pivotal part of the tax strategy for businesses dealing with digital assets. Therefore, an automated system not only helps maintain accurate records for auditing purposes but also assists in effective tax planning and management. Accurate impairment tracking and reporting ensure businesses can leverage these losses optimally during tax season. Thus, automating the impairment process becomes a strategic move, resulting in improved financial health and regulatory compliance.

Crypto Asset


Streamlining Impairment through Automation

With the advent of technology, automation has become a viable solution for managing the complexities of asset impairment. An Impairment module is designed to facilitate finance teams in effectively handling the impairment process of digital assets. This technology enables businesses to automate the tedious task of testing for impairment, thus saving time and reducing the chances of human error.

The automation also extends to the application process of impairment. It ensures the automatic updating of the book impact for the entire transaction history of the impaired asset. This means, as soon as an asset is found to be impaired, the system takes over and reflects the new value across all relevant ledgers.


In conclusion, the impairment of digital assets, while complex and challenging, can be made more manageable through a clear understanding of the process and the use of an automated Impairment module. This not only streamlines the task for finance teams but also ensures that organizations stay compliant with US GAAP requirements, making them audit-ready at all times. Despite the difficulties, mastering the art of digital asset impairment is crucial for businesses operating in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies.