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Bitcoin’s recent bull run is reigniting conversations in the cryptocurrency industry. If you also want to hop on the bandwagon or learn about why your investments aren’t fruitful, watching the right podcasts is the key. But which podcast is right for you?

Scroll down, we’ve got all the answers in this blog post!

Sneak Peak: Top 10 Best Crypto Podcasts

1. Unchained
Watch if – you want to stay updated

Watch if – you are new to cryptocurrency

3.What Bitcoin Did
Watch if – Bitcoin is all you want to know about

4. Bankless 
Watch if – you want to switch to Ethereum Ecosystem

5. The Defiant Podcast 
Watch if – you wonder “What is DeFi?”

6. The a16z Podcast
Watch if – venture capital interests you

7. The Pomp Podcast
Watch if – the goal is to sharpen your finance skills

8.The ‘What is Money?’ Show 
Watch if – you are still confused about the concept of money

9.The Bad Crypto Podcast 
Watch if – you are a new investor in town

10. Tales From The Crypt (TFTC)
Watch if – learning the variables in the  equation is your goal

1. Unchained

Watch if – you want to stay updated
Bitcoin is going to transform the way of our lives, sighting this reality, the journalist Laura Shin hosts Unchained(formerly Unconfirmed) where she presents her unbiased view on all the recent happenings in the crypto world.

Watch this podcast if you want to have a quick weekly recap of crypto news and what the industry veterans are saying about it. Whether it’s about crypto accounting or regulations regarding bitcoin tax, Unchained is your go-to option to know everything.

2. Empire

Watch if – you are new to cryptocurrenc

Hosted by Santiago Santo – a  investor and Jason Yanowitz – the founder of Blackworks,Empireoffers a deep dive into the crypto world. The podcast features top  founders and investors who share their experiences and insights on the hot topics twice a week.

3.What Bitcoin Did

Watch if – Bitcoin is all you want to know about

Host Peter McCormack in his podcast What Bitcoin Did uncovers the world of Bitcoin from various perspectives. In his shows, you’ll see crypto developers, economists, crypto investors, and journalists, sharing their unique perspectives on Bitcoin.

So if you are somebody wanting to have a wholesome introduction to Bitcoin, the surrounding politics, and economics, ‘What Bitcoin Did’ is here to offer’em all!


Watch if – you want to switch to Ethereum Ecosystem

Host David Hoffman and Ryan Sean Adams bring this show to provide a way out to those willing to goBankless i.e., they are done with the conventional financial systems.

The podcast is the ultimate guide to the Ethereum ecosystem,NFT accounting,crypto tax rate, and all that takes the world to go bankless. Learn from the experts including  Vitalik Buterin – the co-founder of Ethereum, who’s been on the show several times.

5.The Defiant Podcast

Watch if – you wonder “What is DeFi?”

The building block of the Internet of Money is blockchain and there are no banks in the equation; the experts name this concept as decentralized finance (DeFi). Host Camila Russo invites constructors and users of the DeFi world and asks them to break down the complex concepts for her audience.

If Ethereum Staking, MetaMask Snaps, and such other interesting ideas are what you want to learn about, we suggest watching The Defiant Podcast every week.

6.The a16z Podcast

Watch if – venture capital interests you 

Venture capital firm – Andreessen Horowitz (aka a16z) produces podcasts on venture capital funds and the role of technology in it. If you are an investor but investing in cryptocurrency is not your sole priority, watch these podcasts to unveil all possibilities in the digital world.

From AI to biotech, and from games to fintech, the podcast covers various industries along with crypto to provide their users with a diversified list of options.

7.The Pomp Podcast

Watch if – the goal is to sharpen your finance skills 

Heard of Pomp Investements? The owner Anthony Pompliano, popularly known as Pomp, hosts this podcast to enlighten viewers not only on Bitcoin but also on finance and entrepreneurship.

Through his personal experience and the learning of his valuable guests including the CEO of Binance and the CEO of CoinLedger, Pomp is known to offer his viewers interactive and insightful shows. Watch The Pomp Show if you want to dig deeper into crypto accounting firmsblockchain and accounting, and such other concepts.


8.The ‘What is Money’ Show

Watch if – you are still confused about the concept of money 

The ‘What is Money’ Show is a trip down memory lane. The host Roert Breedlove along with his guests is set to track down the history of money, how it progressed, and what is the relationship between money, culture, capitalism, and other concepts.

On a bigger scale, the podcast tries to outline the implications of Bitcoin and the improvements it can bring to the traditional currency system.

9.The Bad Crypto Podcast 

Watch if – you are a new investor in town 

Wondering what’s all the fuss about cryptocurrency? Hosts Travis Wright and Joel Comm can be your perfect guide to the crypto space. Whether you are confused about  tax accounting or  tax reporting frightens you, the podcast is here to teach you, that too in a comical way.

So if you are a newbie looking for some fun lessons on crypto, The Bad Crypto Podcast is the best option to go for.

Tales From The Crypt (TFTC)

Watch if – learning the variables in the crypto equation is your goal

Host Marty Bent is well known for conducting hours-long insightful sessions with his guests revealing all there is about crypto, bitcoin, and the surrounding environment.

Tales from the Crypt (TFTC) widens the perspective of its viewers by stepping out of core concepts like  bookkeeping or tax on bitcoin and thinking about macro topics like economic situation, energy policy, etc.

How OnChain Accounting Can Help?

Have you just entered the crypto world? Or are you a crypto investor struggling to keep track of everything happening around you? No matter who you are, learning is the key to keep you growing in this evolving age of technology and digital transformation.

But if you are feeling overwhelmed, OnChain Accounting is here to lend a helping hand. The platform offers fractional CFO services, bitcoin tax reporting services, crypto bookkeeping services, and much more tailored offers exclusively for their unique clients.